Flattening warped lp's with Seal dry mount press

I've been meaning for some time to try a test flattening warped lp's with my Seal dry mount press. A recent purchase of two warped White Stripes lp's & the recent tread that Albert Porter & others have had about the topic prompted me to start an experiment. For the first test, I placed a warped 70's Columbia pressing in the press between a 1/2" tempered glass plate and a 1/4" thick acrylic plastic plate, setting the thermostat at 165F. I did not pull the press handle to clamp, I just let the weight of the heating platten do the work as things softened. After an hour, the vinyl was quite flat and I let it cool down for the afternoon. While it looked excellent at first glance, there are problems. There is radial runout now, about 1/8" or so. Even worse, there are small hills and valleys in the vinyl surface that set my Grado Sonata wiggling and shaking. Evidently, the heating, pressing, and cooling process is creating stresses that leave things less than perfectly circular and flat. Next, I'll experiment with less heat and longer thermal heating and cooling cycles to see if stresses can be relieved to achieve better results. At this point though, I don't think I'd run out and buy a dry mount press hoping this to be an easy fix. It's going to take some experimentation to see if this will work. I'll post results as I work through the variables.
Ok, round two in the saga, much better results this time. Thanks to all for the input and suggestions. Nsgarch, I thought your ideas about the possible problems with acrylic warranted removing it for this experiment. I also thought that if the lp is sandwiched between two pieces of glass, there is going to be a small void between the raised label and the raised rim that might allow the small ripples to form in the groove area on cooling. So I used this material sandwich from the bottom layer up: 3/8" glass, 1/4" paper surfaced "foam-core" mounting board, 2 thick sheets of artists' drawing mylar (smooth sides facing the lp which is between these mylar sheets,) and last, a 4 ply cotton rag mounting/mat board (ordinary mat board would work too.) My thoughts were that the slight deformation of the softer foam core and mat board would cushion and support the thinner groove areas of the lp on cooling. I used my digital darkroom thermometer to make sure that the thermostat was accurate and heated the press to 140 degrees f. I preheated the boards to drive out moisture (less expansion/contraction,) made sure the mylar surfaces that would contact the lp were clean, and then put everything in the press for 15 minutes. No clamping, just the weight of the platten pressed things. After 15 minutes, I turned the press off and didn't open it for 4 hours as it cooled off. I don't think you would want to try and remove the lp to cool under a weight because the vinyl cools, contracts, and warps very quickly when it's soft. By the way, this was a THIN lp, not a thick 180 gr. lp. If you were working on thicker, heavier lp, I'd think you would want to heat things a few minutes longer. This time, everything worked like a charm. The vinyl is perfectly flat, no radial runout, no groove damage. It plays fine with no increase in surface noise or other audible defects. I will repeat this on a few more warped lp's to make sure things are repeatable and predictable and report back. Thanks again for the ideas, Will.

Nice work and thanks for the all of the effort in sharing your results. It will be great to hear how you fare with this in the end.
Will, success! However, just to make sure you are not getting unnecessarily complex (with your sandwich) you might just want to try the two-sheets-of-glass thing. I mention this because if it works as well, it makes things a lot simpler, and because two-sheets-of-glass-in-the-sun is the old standard way of doing this -- and it does work, it just takes a lot longer, and of course you need a good sunny day.

On the other hand, it's 108 in Tucson today, so it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes in the sun and 30 minutes out!
Nsgarch, yeah I know the sandwich thing uses materials that may be difficult to obtain for some. My job developing and photographing Fine Art sculpture editions gives me easy access to many materials. Plus it encourages my propensity for overly elaborate solutions! There hasn't been much sun here in Florida for the last month to try the glass sandwich, it's just rain, rain, rain.
It occurs to me that the record flattening machine I saw at ces was just two glass platters, but I could be wrong.

The obvious solution to your cooling issue is CRYO! Nothing 'audiophile' works if it's not cryo'd