Rega RB1000 and VTA Adjustment

I only listen to vinyl and my analog system consists of a Rega P9 table, Rega RB1000 arm, Shelter 501 cart and Klyne System 6 phono stage. Rega tonearms do not allow for the possibility of VTA adjustment so I assumed that I did not need it. I thought everything sounded great... but last week I purchased spacers to adjust the VTA of the Rega tonearm to the specs of my cartidge.

The change in the sound and musicality of my system is astounding. Imaging and detail have greatly improved. Speakers seem to disappear and there is no background noise. This hobby is the best (except for flyfishing and skeet shooting ofcourse)

I did not believe that VTA adjustment could make a difference on my table. Now the problem is that I want to see what the Shelter 90x cart will sound like on the P9.

Anyone else install spacers under their Rega arms and get the same effect?

G_m_c: Have you tried the XYZ cart on the Rega? What do you think of the Schroder as compared to the Rega Tonearm? I dont think I would ever get rid of my table and just plan to buy more carts but I am always interested in the differences between tables and tonearms since Rega seems to have a different philosophy then most other manufacturers.
As a P25 owner that has added several tweeks, each improving the sound. I have come to the conclusion that Rega is like Henry Ford in that if you leave it as it was designed and use only Rega cartridges you could live in a perfect world. Unfortunately some of us actually listen to the music with critical ears and that is where I find the rega to come up short. Don't misundersatnd my piont here I thing the Rega is a graet TT for the money and luckily enough people have thought so enought to produce and market the tweeks. All in all a Rega is a nice place to start, but as expensive as a P9 is I think I would look at other TT's before plopping down the funds on a TT without a ground lead, VTA, choice of cabling, etc.

I have not tried the ZYX on the Rega, but I did run the Dynavector on the Schroeder for a few days. I have to be honest; the Schroeder is in a different place than the Rega. It is so nimble and light on it feet, and yet its quickness and slam of the bass is heart stopping. The Rega is perfect for what it is, and completely balanced for where it is in the ladder of turntables and arms. I could have been happy with it forever, and am a bit surprised that I am somewhere else now. It is the classic case of peeling away veils and adding detail and quickness. The Schroeder is effortless on the last song or two of an album, the Rega can struggle at times, damn anti-skate... And I use Wally tools. Setting up the Schroeder is logical and confident, the Rega is a bit hit or miss, especially on the anti-skate, and yes, the Schroeder can be raised or lowered for VTA with a set screw and a lifting screw, with total confidence and repeatability.

I will add that I disagree with Theo in that I think the Rega is completely at ease with other cartridges and good ones at that. I will also add that I have to change my etiquette with the Schroeder. No more finger lifts and easy movement of the arm to any song on an album, I now must sit down on the stool and carefully maneuver the arm into position and slowly set the needle down. I used to fly around the Rega like a DJ, changing records in seconds.
Theo: "Unfortunately some of us listen to the music with critical ears." Gee so sorry, I just listen. Thanks again Theo for reassuring me that this hobby is full of self-absorbed toolbags. I dont care if you bash my rig, but please dont flatter yourself at my expense. "Listening to music with critical ears" could possibly be the dorkiest audiophile phrase I have heard to date.

G_m_c: thanks again for your response. I love the ability to change records in seconds. Thinking long and hard about purchasing a 90X or XYZ. Bought a Heavyweight which will arrive on Thursday. Very excited.
A discussion I may be able to participate in.
First, I totally agree on the flyfish comment. Here in So. Fl. it is awesom.
Re. Rega I also have a P9 with the RB 1000. I had the 501 with it but have now made a switch to a Van Den Hul Black Beauty Sp.X The combination with the correct spacers is excellent.The 501 was good but the VDH is much superior. The 90X should be a good match.
Now the interesting part about this thread is that I am looking to upgrade the arm. I have reached the conclusion that the Rega table can stay for a bit longer but I am on the verge of purchasing a Schroeder DPS. The design is fastcinating and I hope sounds as good as it looks.
I know many Goners will be critical of the Schroeder on the P9 but why not. At some point I am sure I will get the twitch again and change out the P9 but for now this may be a bid improvement with the ability to change VTA
and fine tune. Also, eff. arm mass is important. The RB 1000 has an EFF. mass of 10. The Schroeder 12 with a certain type of wood used in the arm.
Make sure the cart. is suited to the tonearm mass.
This is a great hobby.