ML 390s vs. ML39

Considering an upgrade to the ML390s. For those that have compared the ML390s to the ML39 please share your sonic experiance. What seams to be differant? Does anyone know what this player costs used?
I'd like to chime back in here - Since I've gotten my 390S back (and it's finally broken in), I'm amazed at the improvement over the past few weeks. Don't even question the decision to upgrade (other than the $$$). Worth every penny.

BTW, I've been comparing the sound of the 390S direct to a 332 vs. the 390S to a 380 to a 332. All ic's are balanced.

I find that while the direct setup sounds REALLY good, I don't think it sounds as good as the 390>380>332 with respect to imaging, depth of soundfield, tonal balance, and bass detail (from my notes). I need to continue the evaluation, as I only spent a few hours listening that night, but my initial notes on the direct setup was "not even close".

This came as a surprise to me, as I had read a great deal of discussion (here and elsewhere) on the sonic benefits of driving an amp direct from a variable source, and was even contemplating the possibility of being able to sell the pre-amp after I had proven to myself that this was the case. I can only assume that this speaks to the quality of the 380 in its own right, but I was under the impression that the 390 had a good deal of the 380 "under the hood".

Curious what others have found on this front.
All I can offer is that having read reviews comparing the ML 39 to the Wadia 830 and finding that both had their areas of superiority you would think the Wadia 301 would be better than the 39. Right, well maybe, but when I listened to the 301, and was lucky enough to hear a ML 390s, it was like chalk and cheese. In the UK, that means the difference between day and night. You decide - I already have - the ML 390s rocks!
I have owned quite a few players from NAIM (3.5,CDX), Meridian (508.24), and also had the no39, which I recently upgraded. I also audtioned Wadia (860) and Linn (ikemi), and to me, there is no question the 390S is THE most natural sounding player of the bunch. It does all the things I thought the others did well (e.g., lush timbre ala 508.24, nice pace ala Naim, and more believable soundstaging/imaging vs the Wadia, which while impressive to the ears on short listen, ultimately fatigued and sounded "gimmicky."

Versus the 39, the upgraded unit is MUCH smoother, quieter, has tremendous microdynmics, and best of all, paints each note in a truly paplable manner, surrounded by air. Imaging is first order.

This is a no-brainer upgrade for 39 owner/potential oweners to consider. The old saying is true: spend your $ on front end and back end first, then fill in amp/preamp! One more thing, toss the stock PC, and go with a BMI/Shunyata brand (I have the low end Mamba which is great).