Kora Hermes VS Electrocompaniet EMC-1 MK1

I was wondering if any one has done A/B or had heard both of the Kora Hermes 24/132 Dac and the Electrocompaniet EMC-1 MK1 24/96. I know we are talking two different leagues here, with one being tube and the other being solid state as well one being a one box and the other a dac, But I could sure use your help.
Hi Hifying. Interesting you bring this up, there was a thread a few months ago which contained posts addressing this very topic. An A'gon forum member is running the EMC-1 as a transport with the Hermes as the DAC. I hope this helps and good luck!

Rats... Well, if it's any help, since I posted in that thread months ago I've experimented with different Siemens and Mullard tubes in my Hermes and find the Mullards to work much better in my room for my tastes. Smoother, fuller, a monstrous soundstage and light years ahead of the Bel Canto DAC 1.1 I once owned.

And if your tastes run different from mine, the Hermes offers you the option of trying different tubes. The gold pin Siemens CCas were very transparent and resolving. They just didn't work in my system.

I hope he answers your e-mail.
Thanks again Gunbei..I am useing the ecc88 Telefunken tubes in the Kora and this dac sounds out right damn good. I have made a comintment on a EMC-1 and I just dont want to let the seller down, but it would mean giving up the Kora. So on that note I am just wondering what I would be giving up in terms of sonic performance by going to the EMC-1