want to upgrade music performance in HT syst.

First the system:

Pioneer Elite DVC-36(odvious weak link for music but love video performance and conveniance of 5 discs.)
Krell HTS1
Plinius SA-250mkIV
Aragon 8008x3b
Dynaudio Contour 3.0
Dyn Contour cntr ch
Dyn 1.3mkII
Rel Storm III sub

I'm not getting the performance that I feel I should be getting, for music, from this system. I cannot afford a separate music only system and I know someone will mention getting rid of the HTS. Sorry, but I love the performance I get from this piece overall and I will not let it go. I've looked into getting a dedicated cdp and have rounded up the usual suspects. Budget; Music Hall MMF cd-25, Rega Planet 2000, top of the line Rotel, various Sony sacd players but I'm not interested in multi-ch music formats at all. The more pricier suspects; Rega Jupiter, Accuphase, Electrocompaniet, Wadia, Levinson, ext. The dealer I purchased my Krell HTS from mentioned that the dacs in the HTS are state of the art, so I could run a good transport and have the processor do the upsampling. I'm so confused. I just want to enjoy my music and I know I'm not getting everything I can from my dvd player. I would like to keep the cost down, $750-$1500. I would greatly appreciate any help you guys & gals could give me. I'm running a Goldmond digital cable (RCA to RCA terminated) and I've had my doubts about that purchase. If you have any thoughts on this cable or any ideas for an upgrade I would love to hear from you as well. Thanks in advance for your help.....John

If you are using a digital audio cable from your dvd player to the digital input of your HTS then you are using the dacs in your Processor. If you are using a pair (or more) of cables from the right and left audio out on the player, you are using its dacs.

Where is the Mits located in relation to your front speakers? If the TV is located directly in between the front speakers and on the same plane, then it will be hard to get that 3D soundstage you desire from 2ch music. Try to keep the TV at least 3 to 4 ft. behind the front speakers. Hope this helps. Good Luck!
Jrwr7 - my suggestion was not for multi-channel, SACD or other "new" format. The EAD T-7000 is an "old" transport based on a laser disk mechanisim.
Alright now we are getting somewhere,

I am very happy to get such a response, I really appreciate it. Sugarbrie, I spoke w/Dan Wright and he no longer does upgrades on DVD or CD changers due to the problems they have incurred in the shipping of the units. Although I'm not sure if I looked up Stan Warren or does he work w/Dan? Mg123, thank you. Now I know that I'm using my DVD as a transport, that really helps. Brandon, unfortunatly, I have the TV only 6" behind the front plain of the spkrs. So now I see why I'm not getting the depth of soundstage. I need to get a longer run of spkr cable to be able to move my spkrs further ahead of the Mitsu. Thank you for pointing this out, it makes sense. Bwhite, I apologize, I must have misunderstood how you presented your ideas to me. Again, I apologize. Freinds, thank you so much for all of your comments/suggestions. This is all starting to come into focus, evan if my music still has not. Thanks again and keep it coming. I feel like a curious child having all of my question answered......John