Sim Eclipse cd or player which one

I am thinking of the Sim,But i can not try one,or the Emc
a lot of peaple say the Emc1 24 192 is very good!can eny
one give a verdict!

Gryphon Tabo
Wilson act 1
NBS cables.
Grange - the system as you've mentioned - is difficult for me to understand.

Are you saying you have Transparent Reference XL power Cables? NBS Signature Speaker cables? NBS doesn't make bi-wire cable (they do have jumpers which connect to the single run of cables though.

Further Exlaination is needed.
I have 2 Runs of NBS one for top + middle,and the links
provided for base,I am just trying a Bow Wizard 24/96,
i find it good detail but thats it.The Dealer also has
a 39 Mark Levenson!i dont know whot to do!!!. Thanks.
Grange - Okay.. that helps. The speaker cables are very tough to get right for the WB's. I am trying to imagine the sound you are getting from your system.... let me think.

The BOW isn't a very involving CD player and quite likely very similar to the Sim Audio Moon Eclipse in that regard. The EMC-1 will have better pace, slam and even be more involving than the BOW. But... If you are open to suggestions, If *I* were you, I would simply get a Sony XA777ES SACD/CD player which can be modified to have a tube output and tube power supply. The XA777ES is a superb player stock - it is different sounding than previous Sony players and definately right up there with some of the best players (for a lot less money). Once modified, I would expect the Sony to be on a whole new level. I know - it's a Sony and most high end audiophiles do not like having a mainstream product in their system. I am currently using a Sony XA777ES and I will NOT go back to high end redbook only players. Not yet anyway... Right now is a risky time for redbook only. Yes, there is a significant amount of material and I'm sure you have a huge collection but truth is - SACD is far superior - and the redbook performance of the Sony is good enough to justify spending more money to upgrade its performance vs. spending 3 ---> 5K on a used high end redbook only player. A new Sony XA777ES can be purchased for 2K.

As for your system - Now that I have had a chance to think about your system. You might try the following some day:

Speaker Cables - Audio Note KSL-SPc (copper) available for $50 per linear foot (new). These cables are very neutral and clean sounding. Never harsh or bright - liquid and pure, they allow your system to breath and convey the colors and emotion of the components vs. just the speaker cables. They work well with both tubes and solid state.

Power Cord for the Tabu - Electraglide FatMan 2000 K. This will make your 100 watts seem like much more. Good detail power and a fantastic imaging. Expensive but worth it. Your WB's will thank you!!

Power Cord for source - Shunyata King Cobra V1 - smooth and analog sounding. It will strip all the harshness from digital and give you a nice, polite presentation allowing you to slip deeper into the music - regardless of which CD player you choose. They Shunyata helps take digital closer to the sound of vinyl.

Interconnects - this is where you will need to spend some time auditioning. Fortunately for you, you have an integrated which makes the process easier (only one pair of interconnects required). Once you decide on the CD player you feel good about. It is important to consider the performance today and tomorrow as well (which is why I recommended the Sony). Then you can buy/sell used interconnects on Audiogon without much risk of loosing money.
Bwhite I had the sony 777es and had it upgraded with Blackgates, i spent $900 on it, i found it laid back,plus
its a sony!!! Very good Sacd,But Sacd in the uk are about
$35-40. you say the fatman power cord would it be better than the Transparent Xl.I using 1 for the Tabo and 1
for the cd.the sound at the moment is on the laid back side could it be the Transparent.!
Hi Grange - Wow! The 777 was laid back. I agree with you about the "Sony" thing... In MY system, the Sony sticks out like a sore thumb. Makes my system look cheap. For a while I had a tough time with that. Going from a AudioMeca Mephisto II to a Sony is quite a shift in appearance. The XA777ES is a warmer sounding player than the 777ES and totally different.

Okay. Well in that case I would check your power cords. I've never used anything from Transparent because I haven't accepted the feasibility of the network boxes I guess.

Knowing your speakers, do you mean "thin" sounding when you say laid back? You would like to add more weight and body to the music. You have a dished midrange? Is that an accurate description of what you hear?
If that is the case, Either the EMC-1 or XA777ES would work.

Except if your system is laid back now, you might try the Shunyata Python power cord on the CD player instead of the Transparent (or the previously recommended King Cobra). The Python will push the mids giving you a more forward sound. In laid back systems, I think this helps to equalize everything.