Can a wall socket dramatically improve sound? Yes

I finally got an Isoclean ICP-002 wall socket installed today. At the risk of restarting the usual drivel that ac cannot be so simply improved, I would simply say my sound is greatly improved.

I was already using many components of the Isoclean filtering system with great satisfaction not unlike the rave review in 6moons, although I have yet to get the transformers. The improvement with the wall socket is greater than other improvements I have gotten with these components. I am frankly shocked. The noise floor is lowered with resulting improved detail that lends more realism. The top end is very clean and extended and the leading edge is startling. The sound stage is totally encompassing.

I treated everything with AudioTop before installing it.
Tbg...Nice that your noise floor is lowered. My noise floor is already low enough to be completely inaudible, so I guess I don't need to "clean up" my AC power. The very high efficiency of your speakers may account for your noise problem.

By the way, terminology like "drivel" can be thrown around both ways.
Eldartford, you bring up a very interesting and astute point. The Legacy Focus speakers I run are so efficient (at least 96db/watt) that I can always hear hiss if I stand next to the speakers. (It's inaudible at my listening position - even to my 16 year-old daughter.)

Changing amps changes the noise, but nothing else has affected it since I took the ARC LS2B pre-amp out of my system. (The LS2B was clearly audible in the noise.) An isolation transformer on the source components (a PS Audio PowerSonic) has no discernable effect. (I was hoping it would, actually.) I recently hooked up a pair of cheap JBL mini-monitors I use for video (just for grins - I wanted to see what expensive amplifiation would make them sound like) and the hiss was inaudible unless you put your ear up to the speaker grille.
Eldartford, I strongly discourage your trying the IsoClean. It would be a waste. Each of us have no patience with the other's drivel, so we should stop reading each other's posts.