People buying Transports again?

I have a friend who is looking to purchase some dCS equipment. He is set on getting the entire dCS stack. Not sure if it is the Vivaldi or Pagnini. Although he has converted his library to digital (Meridian Sooloos) he believes he gets the best sound via a Transport. Now I know this is very subjective on does it sound better and if so what is the price of it. Like him I have converted all of my music over to digital. I converted it mostly for convenience and access to my entire collection. I have downloaded some HiRez files but I have no desire to repurchase my music in HiRez format if it becomes available. To me converting from disc to digital files was like going from non-remote control preamps to preamps with remotes. I personally would not buy a non-remote controlled preamp but that is just me. Are people going back or staying with transports?
Although, I would give a slight advantage to a dedicated transport vs a streamer, I certainly would not invest a lot of money in a stand alone transport at this time. I just feel that with the advent of the High-Res downloads and DSD coming down the pike, that one should really think carefully about the direction that they would like to head in.

Personally, I love controlling my entire music library, which includes all of my red book rips, high-res downloads, playlists and MOG from my iPad. I currently use the Logitech Transporter, which I have compared to the MBL 1621A transport, which was only marginally better. I will upgrade my Transporter when a viable alternative is available that does everything that the Transporter does, plus pure DSD streaming (which the Transporter nor my DAC does at this time).

Not me. I might get a Oppo BDP-105 w/EVS or MW mod for my SACD and BluRay collection and DSD with new firmware.

There are several things I've done improved computer audio.

1. Connect DAC and laptop to router via ethernet cable. A HUGE improvement over wireless.
2. Bought a new laptop with more memory (16G) and faster CPU.
3. Avoid installing software that runs as services so it doesn't startup when computer starts up.
4. copy all music from external drive to laptop hard drive.

Next thing I'm trying is roll ethernet cables.
Second that Knghifi. It makes sense to upgrade the music streaming devices and accessories that some still treat as computer rather than upstream music devices.

As the the practical tips,
- an internal HDD is nice but a mid level NAS (e.g. Synology) can serve well audio and video files for the HTPC.
- Cat 6 cables should be a big improvement over standard Cat 5 (at least cat 5e should be used, shielding is imperative)
- Inserting those very affordable network bridges if the cable run is long (>50 feet) or even for shorter runs as they refresh the signal
most of the improvements are suggested by Klaus based on his findings to improve the SB Touch

I am keeping my Cary CD just as back up.
I think there will always be a niche market for legacy sources.

Vinyl and compact disc and some day the digital player.