Cd players with volume control.

Im looking for some brands off cd players that have volume control on them to bypass a preamp for a freind of mine. He wants to olny spend between 300.00 to 700.00. I only know of onkyo. What others are there. Thanks
Try a California Audio Labs CL-15, I've seen them go on the used market for around $700 here on Audiogon. The factory preset output voltage is 1 volt, but you can buy software from Cal Audio to increase the voltage to 3 volts. It's a single disc player, HDCD compatable, and sounds REALLY good. I love mine. I've also have mine set up on a Symposium Ultra platform and rollerblocks, which are some tweaks I recommend checking out.
Beware that some, if not most, of the volume controls work in the digital domain. I believe this means that for every 6 db of attenuation you are losing 1 bit in resolution. Also, remember that each time you power on the cd player it will be set to full output. I have a Marantz cd67se and that is the way mine works. If anyone knows otherwise, please post.
The output voltage/ volume control on a Cal Audio CL-15 stays at whatever level it is at when it is shut down. It will start up at a full 1 volt of output ONLY if it gets unplugged. As far as the loss of resolution, I do tend to agree that the higher levels you lose a little bit, that's why I use my CL-15 with a Cary preamp. I keep the output voltage of the CDP at a level lower than full volume and use the preamp the attenuate further.