Attack of the Clones

I haven't been to a movie theatre in quite awhile. With 30K tied up in Home Theatre equipment what's the point? Crappy picture and terrible sound I think I'll pass.

But wait! What's this in the local paper? They've just opened up a new digital theatre just thirty minutes from my house and STAR WARS II is the feature presentation. Some buddy pinch me, this can't be happening.

What to do, what to do, ARE YOU KIDDING??? I love Star wars. This is actually a no brainier.

Fast forward three minutes later. I'm on the computer printing out two tickets for the next show (Smart move) Next drive to and arrive at said theatre 1 1/2 hours early (real smart move)

The lines were just starting to form for the Sunday mourning matinee. By the time the box opened an hour later the line was clear out of the parking lot.

The doors open with twenty minutes till Showtime. Everyone is jockeying for position, but I'm no rookie, I head straight for the center of the theatre at a rapidly accelerated pace. I position myself just slightly back of dead center and perfectly centered left to right. (YOU KNOW THE SWEET SPOT!) In my opinion I was now sitting in the best seat in the house (Phase two accomplished).

The lights dim and here come the digital trailers. THE MATRIX II, AUSTIN POWERS III and MEN IN BLACK II. That in itself was nearly worth the price of admission.

The next three hours were shear ecstasy. I was in total awe. A crystal clear digital video picture with fairly decent digital sound, what a concept. All I could think was " I got to get me one of these!!"

Finally a theatre I can enjoy a movie in. This will probably be the only theatre I ever go to until a few more digital screens pop up around my hometown.

I conclude by saying check out one of these theatres at any cost, it will be well worth the time and effort invested.

That's all for now and may the Shwarts be with you!!!
Awesome CG too! The closeups on Yoda were very well done, and the compositing on the final scenes was amazing. Work like that done in this movie, the new Stuart Little and Spider-man probably couldn't have been done two years ago.
Was the scene you mention any less corny and unbelievable than Vaders death scene in ROTJ?-- it suits the plot development as did Vader's sudden escape from the dark side,maybe the series should have ended with the Emperor tossing Luke down that galatic plug hole and left everybody on a downer but with a believeable ending.
And of course the events that change him into Vader are still to be discovered-see my later comment
Nothings changed in any of the Star Wars series except everybody who views them has got older and a strange notion that plot,dialogue,character development and believability(lol) are suddenly crucial in these movies.
Lucas has the burden of dragging these storylines to a conclusion everybody knows,he's beaten before he starts.
As a special effects and fun movie this is great entertainment.
Also Yoda rocked!
Who played him and where was his character development,you may well ask?
Damn you George Lucas,we've grown up and we want realism.....
Yoda is a developed character. We know him and understand him. Frank Oz brought him to life. Yoda was a muppet up until the current film.

The Jedi played by Samuel T. Jackson for example is just a prop. Even Jar Jar Binks has more going for him than poor Jackson's character. Natalie Portman's character is unknown also. She is Luke and Leia's mom; other than that she has no soul.

Don' get me wrong, I like the films. But as I said before, simply putting the actors and characters before the special effects would have made a world of difference. This is not hard. It just requires a real film director.

Saying Star Wars II is a kids film and we grew up is a cop out. "Babe" is a kids film with real characters (human and animal), that adults can all identify with and love. It can be done.

Harrison Ford was GOOD in the early films, which were full of whimsy and great humor and humanity. Attack of the Clones is self-indulgent crap, technology for technology's sake alone, which has no sense of storytelling, takes itself too seriously, is sterile and lifeless and humorless, and, frankly, unimaginative. When it comes to an imaginative vision of the future, I think the Fifth Element walks all over what Lucas has done lately. Oh, and is Natalie Portman a real actress?
Isn't Euan McGregor GOOD?
Come on guys get real,was Obi Wan Kenobi a developed character?
Were the Ewoks a toy franchaise?
Every single Star Wars movie has similar problems to varying degrees,you develop the storyline some slaughter it for being self-indulgent,try to keep the fun in and there is no development?
Make your minds up,I agree with some of the criticisms but you could easily dismiss the original as a hotch potch of Saturday morning serials,pseudo-religious fairy tales,Westens and WW2 dog serious,there is some character development-if you want to slaughter Lucas for carrying the series on then fine,christ this is the genre where Tom Hanks wins the oscar for turning up every year and Gladiator is seen as a great "serious" movie.
Star Wars 2 is fun,I think it was entertaining,the story and characters were as good imho as the previous movies and yes there was just as much padding-I wasn't expecting much more than I got.