What do you do with Ayre?

Please help! I've been looking for cables (interconnects and p/c's) for days to use with my Ayre pre/cdp and Paradigm active speakers. The more brands I see, and I've looked at a lot, the more perplexed I become. I suppose I'd like all my cables to be from the same company. Any thoughts, suggestions, ideas, warnings, etc. will be greatly appreciated!
Sammie, regarding p/cs: Currently, am running a TG Audio SLVR p/c from my Ayre CX-7 with outstanding results..occasionally a used SLVR will turn up on audiogon for $300 to $400, depending on age and condition. Highly recommended with the CX-7.

By the way, I am getting ready to demo Synergistic Research speaker cables this weekend...it'll be interesting to see how it will sound in my system:

Ayre AX-7 integrated
Proac Response D15 speakers
Ayre CX-7
Linn LP-12/Ittok/Adikt
LFD Mistral phono preamp
Thanks everyone for the suggestions...I'm continuing to use Synergistic Research Resolution Reference Active XLR's and am very happy with the results. These are cables I purchased about halfway through this thread.