Anyone have their Audio Aero Capitole MKII yet?

I just received mine today and was looking for other's opinions about the MKII right out of the box as compared to the MKI (or other comparable players).
Dealer told me to call Audio Aero directly and will do so on monday.

I do not have any tracking problems though, so i dont really think this is a standard bug....
Tim: It will take a act of God for us to have the player by even next week (week of 6/17/02). I spoke to Globe Marketing on Friday (after talking with them Monday) and they told me that AA wasn't even answering their e-mails about the next such, even the importer himself doesn't know when they're coming.

So, there's no way to know when we will see them. No time soon, I'm afraid. The waiting game continues and continues....
I have also experienced some difficulties with this player being able to play certain discs. AA has conveniently put a disclaimer in the owner's manual about the standards not being adhered to and, so, this player will not play those discs. I, for one, would like them to prove what they claim. There is no doubt that the player will not play certain discs. It also seems interesting that I was not able to play one particular disc, but after putting it back in the case and trying it again some days later it played just fine.

As for you folks with the noise problems, take the advice given about trying different outlets or power cords and also try using a ground lift at the CD player if plugging into an integrated amp. This player is grounded differently than any other that I've had in my system (about five different players). You should also remember that this beast is capable of putting out 5 volts at full throttle. Your integrated's input may just be overloaded. Most other players only output about 2 volts.

Sonic update: the player seems to be settling in nicely. The harshness in the high end has diminished substantially. The bass remains tighter than on the MK I, but maybe a little less pronounced. That's the good news. I'm still not sure that I find this player as engaging as the MK I. It still seems to be more clinical sounding, but I still have a week to go on the break-in.

Badwisdow, please give us an update if you speak with AA on Monday.
This thread's request for "out of the box" first impressions seems to invite chaos, with somewhat masochistic yearnings as a consequence.
After running QA for a high-tech laboratory instrument manufacturer in France for more than 14 years I'd be surprised if you could find two Capitoles that sound even remotely the smae...nevermind right out of the box!
Good luck, guys....
Are you saying that no two products sound the same ever or right out of the box?