I just wanted some opinions.Which do you think sounds superior between DVD-Audio and SACD? In what ways?
In my personal experience, they are both superior to regular CD's, but DVD-Audio somehow gets me more excited and emotionally involved in the music.To me and my friends it sounds more alive, better focused, more immediate, and more dynamic than SACD.
I'm using an SCD-1 for SACD and a Toshiba SD-9200 to dabble in DVD-A. Of course I'm listening to both formats in 2 channel.

Actually both formats can be pretty good. Overall, SACD reminds more of analog than DVD-A, but DVD-A often has a sense of presence I haven't heard before from any other format.

The vedict is still out, in my opinion. Of course, with the lack of DVD-A titles, if may be moot.
Actually I know what the kid is saying, and he is right. While the selection of DVDA's pales in comparison to SACD software, There are more DVD's that will blow you out of the water. Selections like The Big Phat Band, The Blue Man group , not to mention Steeley Dan actually sound mind bogglingly good on DVD Audio. It is a highly underated format that is ignored due to people feeling they must take a side. And thats ashame. SACD while also a High rez format , is an entirely different beast. It is not designed to have electric guitars and a massive horn section knock you over. It is designed to bring you closer to the actual perfomance. For example , take the recent Stones releases. I Love them. To me they sound analog, and capture what the Stones sounded like on vinlyl back in the 60/70.s Is a young kid going to appreciate this , I dont think so. Now the biggest problem with many of the first batch of SACD releases, is that most of them sound like crap. I have no idea whether they did not have the right equipment or the engineers had no concept of what they were doing. However the good news is the Software is finally catching up to the Hardware . My last 5 SACD purchases have showed a major improvement in revelealing the beautiful sound of SACD ! Dylan, The Who, Roxy Music Avalon , to name a few sound downright breathtaking ! So in the end, do not shut yourself out of either format. Its best to have the capability to play both, otherwise you will miss out on some of the best sound available today. The quality of Software is key. Peace !
I would have to agree with Darrylhifi's comments and views. I've had a Marantz DV 8300 universal player since last February, so I enjoy both. The lack of quality software, in either format, was frustrating at first but the selections are improving. Personally, I'm glad to have the ability to listen to either format. The Pink Floyd DSOTM sacd is incredible as is Yes Fragile dvd-a. Why not be able to enjoy both!

As a side note, I started out being amazed and caught up in multi-channel mixes. After awhile though, they began to sound gimmicky to me, and now I listen to either format in 2 channel. The sound of sacd especially reminds me of my old Garrard/BSR analog setup I had when I was a kid.

As a final thought, some folks consider this a "format war". With the improving lists of software titles and universal players out there, I believe we the consumers win on all accounts.
The "superiority" of SACD is a creation of Sony marketing efforts. Either format eliminates the problem of marginal resolution of redbook CD, and any real differences are the result of how the various discs are mastered.

My sonicly best discs happen to be DVD-A, but I am willing to believe that this is not due to any technical limitation of SACD.

For purely commercial reasons I am quite sure that the DVD-A format will survive. I hope that SACD does also, but I am less sure.
I just read some sales figures on these two hirez formats.
While the best selling SACD's are

Dark Side of the Moon SACD averaging 5546 sales/week in the USA.
The Police at nearly 3000.
The Stone's Let it Bleed at over 1500.

Latest market figures show that even the best selling DVD-As are selling under 200 a week in the US.

and vinyl is KILLING them both.

I could care less about DVD-A because I have no video monitor in my music room so I cant play them anyway. But at these numbers how many studios are going out of their way to produce new titles in this format?