Jena Labs Symphony vs. Valkyre IC's

could someone detail the sonic differences between the Jena Labs Symphony and Valkyre IC's?
Hi Jason. I've got 2 pair of the symphony's in XLR if you want to try them.
Mejames. Opps. Sorry Justin. I had just finished a phone conversation with another friend named Jason when I wrote that.
Boa2. Sure, if you live by Justin and myself. I'm already planning on visiting Justin in a couple weeks and taking my Meitner gear with me. I live in the Palm Springs Ca. area.
hello Frank you enjoy CES? I just purchased a used Symphony got it yesterday is what triggered this question actually. I liked some sonic aspects and disliked some also but overall still liked the XLO limited better but it's been cooked so the comparison wasn't really fair anyway.
Got a bat vk 5i preamp coming by Saturday also so you don't need to bring a preamp just the Meitner stuff and a couple power cords. what did you think of the Symphony? Justin
Thank you for the offer. As I take off my down jacket, no, I live in Sacramento. Same state, but not so close.
My good friend is there now, working at the Palm Springs Film Festival. I think he's decided that he's done living in Seattle. The sun will do that to just about anyone.

All the best,