EMC-1 or CARY 306/200

which one of the two would be better to add to my sourceless system?
talon khorus speakers
pass labs x250 amp
bat vk 40 preamp
thanks for your advice
I posted some commentary on the EMC-1 and the Cary 306/200 here recently. Go for the EMC-1! At least, that's what worked for me.
Hi Dave4U, looks like your system is almost complete, I see that you now just need a source.
Like Budrew I have an EMC 1 MK II myself if that tells you something. I bought it back then without even hearing it (MK 1 before I had it upgraded)against stiff competition, Linn Ikemi and Simm Eclipse, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I made for my system. Goodluck.
thanks guys,
i've made my mind.
its set on the emc-1 ,
now, the harder part, finding the right deal !
thanks !