Volume Control?

Hopefully someone could help me with my dilema. I just want a single source (SACD-Player) to my amp, I don't want to spend 10 of thousands of dollars on a quality preamp. I need just something with a volume control to control the CD-Player's output, but have to be transparent and cost effective. I heard of Placette, are they any good? Any other advice or suggestions appreciated.

Thank You
Check out the Creek OBH-10 or OBH-12. The 10 is a single input volume control. The 12 is a small passive preamp with 3 inputs and a tape loop. Both are extremely quiet and can be controlled by a remote. I think you can find the 10 used for about $200 and the 12 will be a bit more.
Hello Sturbo2000, why would anyone want to use an attenuator ? Or passive preamp ? I've always encourage, or suggest to connect direct from CD player and use volume control from the CD player. But anytime you add anything in the middle of the chain the sound will degrade or change ! So you might as well add a full flesh active preamp and have all the convenience to go with it, until your budget allow for a CD player with volume control. There are full of active preamp, that is affordable out there. Use common sense, enjoy, and don't think too much.


No offend intended

Bent Audio sells a kit for a Transformer Volume Control which avoids many of the traditional problems with passive pre-"amps". If you don't want to build yourself Bent Audio can build it for you.

I haven't heard this one yet, but I do plan on building one when finances will allow it. Responses from other people have been uniformly positive.