Volume Control?

Hopefully someone could help me with my dilema. I just want a single source (SACD-Player) to my amp, I don't want to spend 10 of thousands of dollars on a quality preamp. I need just something with a volume control to control the CD-Player's output, but have to be transparent and cost effective. I heard of Placette, are they any good? Any other advice or suggestions appreciated.

Thank You
Actually, I'm a happy owner of a Placette RVC, but I just ordered that Bent Audio TVC kit (with the silver transformer upgrade). I hope, it'll improve dynamics and PRAT a little while maintaining that wonderful transparency and musicality of the Placette.
I've had excellent results running a Reference Line passive pre. I have the Preeminence One A, a true dual mono passive with two attenuators. Unforunately, Reference Line is out of business, but there's not much to fail in a passive. I picked mine up used for a song, 1/5 of retail.
All of the options above are good and sound good. Your ears will need to be the final judge. However, if you are somewhat handy, maybe a little adventurous and looking for a somewhat permanent solution, you can hardwire a Goldpoint Mini-V Stepped Attenuator right into the back of your CD player. It is a rather straight forward process. I found myself in a period of minimalism wanting to eliminate my assortment of preamps and clean up the basement and garage of all the leftovers. Maybe just a passing case of late in life nesting instint. Regardless, the results were very pleasing and I cannot complain. It cost $185 with shipping. If you use their ladder attenuator (almost twice the price) you gain some clarity and soundstage. If you are interested in directions, let me know.