Linn Ikemi CD Player vs. Other Lower Cost Options

I am considering replacing my Meridian 508.20 CD player with another unit. The 508.20 CD player is connected to a Jeff Rowland Concentra integrated amplifier and ProAc 2.5 Speakers. I heard the Meridian 588 vs. the Ikemi and I liked the Linn (much better). I heard the Wadia 301 and found it too bright (possible setup problem). I liked the Rega Jupiter also but when compared to the Ikemi, the Linn was the winner (for my ears). The Ayre CX7 is an option that I need to listen to. Since the Linn Ikemi is expensive, does anyone have a recommendation for a similar high quality CD player than the Linn Ikemi but at a lower cost (like under $2,000)? For the cost and value, is the better option to upgrade my 508.20 to 508.24? Comments and suggestions are requested.
Others to consider:

I have listened to the Naim CD5. This is a wonderful player. I personally decided on the Audio Note CD3.1x. It had wonderful compatability with my tube based system. I mention this only as I am personally a fan of these British products. It seems that you also like this approach.

Also, The Arye player is receiving rave reviews at the Audioasylum site.

Audition and decide for yourself.
I agree with Soix, it is a matter of taste, and how the sound from the CDP is treated by the downstream components. I had an original Rega Planet, and upgraded to an ARC CD-2. (a Class A CDP and recognized as one of the best out at that time.) Though the ARC sounded beautiful in every way, it failed to communicate, to my ears, the emotion of the music. In auditioning, all the audiophile virtures were there, but it just wasn't as satisfying. As a consequence, I ended up with a Jupiter and am very happy with it. As the TAS review of the Jupiter says (paraphrasing): It has some deficiencies, ones that will hurt it in an AB listening session, but it also has a magic, that in long term listening is rewarding.

What are your sonic values? What will deliver those to you in the long term? It is much cheaper to spend too much, than too little and have to upgrade again later.
I have never seriously auditioned Linn players so take this for what it's worth... I have auditioned several players including the Wadia 301, the Naim, the Sim Moon Eclipse, the new Ayre cx7, and the Resolution Audio Opus 21. I finally decided on the Resolution Audio Opus 21 for its absolute clarity and precision. In this regard it easily beat out the others. I also really liked the Ayre player. I found that generally speaking newer was better. FRom what you said about the Wadia being too bright, I'm not sure your tastes would be for the Resolution Audio player, but if I were you I would not buy a player until you compared it to the Ayre and the Res. Audio.
PS: The store that had the Ayre also had the real expensive Linn player (I forget the model. Something like $10,000) and it sounded way too dark and slow for me.
I also recently auditioned several players before deciding on the Ikemi. If you are patient you may be able to find a used/demo unit close to your price. I was able to get a demo unit for $2200 and I notice that someone is asking $2900 on Audiogon. They don't appear often, which tells you something about them. BTW, I compared it to the Cary 303 and 306, Meridian 588, FMJ23, Krell and Marantz sa-1. For me, the Ikemi was the clear choice both in build quality and sound.
Have you considered a "modded" Sony XA-777ES or Philips SACD 1000? You can get the base CD players for about $2000 and $800 (mail order), respectively, and the mods can cost anywhere from $500 to about $3000. These players will play all formats. The basic modded Philips at a price of about $1300 is a terrific deal (Reference Audio Mods) and you probably would have a difficult time finding a better player (at any price!) than the fully modded Sony XA-777ES (EVS or others).

For the mods, you might try Rick at Electronic Visonary Systems (EVS):, or Kyle at Reference Audio Mods: