How good is a Monster Power HTS 2600?

Hi guys,

Take a look at my system.
I am thinking that the monster HTS 2600 power might be the weak link.
What do you think?

If so what would be a good conditioner to replace it with?
If not, what do you think the weak link is?

I have $400CND in the bank plus whatever I could sell the monster for.

What makes you believe the monster is a weak link, I saw in your system you noted a good improvement, maybe look into the BlueCircle bar with the noise hounds built in, I have 1 noise hound from blue circle and I like it, the bar I am talking about has the power of 2 noise hounds, talk to Harmonia Audio about adding it. I think you have a nice set-up there!
Hey Chadnliz.

Yeah, the monster did make a positive difference. But I am wondering if the Blue Circle MR1200 would be better. Funny you also mention Kevin, he is my BC dealer.

Yup Kevin is a real nice guy, I have talked to him a few times, always a pleasure! Cheers back at ya
So does anyone out there have an opinion on the Monster 2600?
I guess that cats out of the bad. The other one I am considering is the Blue Circle MR1200

Be careful to make sure people qualify remarks about Monster products, alot will slam them without any personal knowledge or experience from using them, they get "drive-by" insults from so called audiophiles just because they are "Monster"