Electrocompaniet EMC1 CDP owner's suggestions

Which is the best to use RCA(single ended) or balanced (XLR) from the EMC1 CDP? I founded using XLR the sound has more transparent, musical and lively detail.
Thanks for your suggestions. Ljgj is right. I firstly hooked up directly from my EMC1 to Berning amp with volume control via single ended the sound was not transparent and high-and midranges sounded roll-off. Since I switched to XLR by using XLR interconnects(Granite Audio 470) to an XLR adapters for the amp the sound suddenly has a huge soundstage and having more high-and midranges and a sweet pot is up to the ceiling. I have also tried to use preamps(CJ-16LS, First Sound Deluxe MKII and Emotive Audio Erato)but none of them can match with the Berning amp.
The EMC-1 uses a truly-balanced design, and as such mine sounds better through SPM XLRs to my Aleph P also. After modding a couple for friends I can't help but notice that the XLR jacks are soldered directly to the analogue output board, too, whereas the RCSa are fed by a few inches of really cheap, unshielded wire, using only solder without cold-weld crimping. So if you're forced to use the RCAs I'd at least replace the lead-out wires with silver shielded ones and CRIMP them at the RCA jacks as well adding a dollop of silver solder. Gotta help at least a little. But balanced IS really the way to go with this magnificent player. If you need help getting the SE "UP'grade installed, let me know, as I have the parts, and can save you 50%. Cheers.
Thanks for your suggestion, Subaruguru! I actually own the latest version of EMC1 (called EMC1 UP). I had used Nordost Valhalla and Quattro-Fil ICs but I still do not like the sound until I connect the CDP with XLR the sound incredibly have a huge soundstage and much more details. Once again thanks for sharing your opinion.
I've ordered a First Sound Presence Deluxe II preamp which only has RCA inputs, so I recently purchased a pair of HT Truthlink IC's terminated with XLR's at one end and RCA's on the other. I did this because everyone agrees the EMC-1UP sounds infinitely better through the balanced outs. However, using the XLR-RCA cables results in a hum that didn't exist before. I've tried lifting the ground on the Amp, Preamp, and CD player...and several combinations of these with no solution. Of course the easiest solution is to run balanced and be done with it, but that prevents the use of the First Sound, which I'm mighty excited about adding to my system. Any ideas?
I'll be the contrarian here. I own one of the first EMC1s off the line and it is upgraded to the current UP configuration (Thanks Ernie!). I believe Mike from Father and Son's addressed this phenomenon in a previous post quite well.

The main difference between outputs is a 6 dB increase in gain using balanced over single ended cables. That's a VERY audible difference - some musicians can detect deviations in sound levels as little 0.5 dB. We all know louder sounds "better". Unfortunately, I think that is what most of you are perceiving.

How many of you have adjusted your volume up/down 6 dB using a sound meter and pink noise to level out the relative gain between trials in your A/B testing? Be honest!!!

I'd like to hear from those who have done this and still claim they hear a "huge" difference between XLRs and RCAs. BTW - I've owned all EC components at one time connected with balanced Transparent Reference interconnects and can make no such statement that there is an overwhelming difference between XLRs and RCAs. I know Ernie will take me to task over this one...;^)

Happy listening everyone...