Electrocompaniet EMC1 CDP owner's suggestions

Which is the best to use RCA(single ended) or balanced (XLR) from the EMC1 CDP? I founded using XLR the sound has more transparent, musical and lively detail.
Jm88439, I agree with your observations 100% regarding straight single ended vs. straight balanced.
You do have an excellent discussion about EMC1 UP compare to other CDP. But you also forget the power line conditioner and power cords also play an important role in the system. I am using Bybee Tech Signature power conditioner(has 4 digital outlets and 4 analog outlets), hook up my EMC1 to digital site and preamp(Marsh Sound design p2000t hybrid tubed) to analog site. I found the sound has more holographic 3D than before(preamp and CDP in digital part). This time EMC1 has performed an awesome sound with more transparency, detail and huge soundstage (using RCA interconnects since I have tried balanced ICs before too).

EMC1 using Elrod EPS 2S power cord, Marsh preamp using Bybee Quantum PC and Berning amp using Ric Cumming's Jaden Signature power cord. Bybee power conditioner with digital side using Custom Audio PC annd Analog side using Mac Delta 1 PC.
I use my PCK13Q+G PC on my EMC1 SE, balanced through an Aleph P with GREAT results. I suuggest using a very neutral, clean cableset on this CDP, as its freq extremes are extended and clean. No need to roll off, warm 'em up or smooth 'em down with bandwidth limited cables, IMO.
I just discovered Empirical Audio's $1400 modification to the EMC 1-UP and I'm intrigued. What do you EMC 1-UP owners think about modding the machine? Should it be left alone, or should it be made better, if possible?
The wiring inside of the EMC1-UP is not 75 ohms or even 110 ohms, so the connectors are not going to make much difference. In fact, the AES/EBU is wired directly to the 75 ohm outputs and there is an attempt to match to 75 ohms for all of them.