Audiomeca vs. Audio Aero

Has anyone compared the Audio Aero Capitole (which I know) to the Audiomeca Mephisto 2x (which I have not heard) ? I'd like to know whether the Audiomeca has the same presence and energy on attacks as the Capitole (after all they do share some innards...).

Thanks !
I had the chance to audition both the Aero and Mephisto 11.X. You are correct they do share the same chips(dac). I found both of them exceptional sounding one box players. A liquid midrange, extended highs and solid bass. I researched threads here on Audiogon and elsewhere and found serious questions on the dependability of the Aero( I understand that may have been corrected). In the end I decided on the Audiomecca and have been quite pleased with it. It did have a rather long burn in time though.
How long of a burn-in period ? I also heard the Audiomeca may be a tad warmer and less detailed... Is that correct ?

It took about 200 hours in my system for the Audiomecca to sound its best. As far as warmer or more detailed I found them very similiar but in my system, the Audiomecca edged the Aero in detail, more analog if you will. I should say that the differences were not night and day and probably somewhat system dependent. I went with the Audiomecca on sound and built quality but I believe I could live with either one very easily.