Virtually lost, a minimalist cries out for "help."

I'd like to go cdp direct to amp, but am stymied. Audio Aero Capitole seems to have chip problems (and several have commented upon build quality, as well). Accuphase has digital attenutation which, reputedly, lessens bits to effect volume change--sound degradation may be a consequence?
It seems I've hit a deadend.
When I consider passive devices, i.e. Silver Rock or Bent Audio, the Accuphase digital attenuation is then an unnecessary superfluity. The other cdp I'd consider (w/no volume adjustment), the EMC 1, favors balanced ics, I've read, and I'm not willing to go there.
Am I missing some other great cdps out there w/analog volume control, single-ended friendly, and high build quality? (I'm getting a big headache from butting my head against this virtual wall...)
Tireguy, or anyone else, With all the applicable caveats: how would YOU describe the differences between the 75v and the Capitole? I am winnowing my speaker selection down now, no decisions yet; also, for the time being, I'll be using my dinosaur amp, the redoubtable Classé DR-8. Thanks, and Merry Christmas to all (and, again, thanks for all the help!).
Wow! I went through the exact same thing! All most made me go back to records. I looked at everything from Wadia to Audiomeca to Electrocompaniet to 47Labs to Accuphase and on and on. I also will not go ballanced. So I decided to buy a Mark Levinson No.37 transport with a Madrigal 1m mdc rca to rca digital cable. Now I can do what ever I want for a da converter with out ever wishing I had a better transport. I looked at the Big Dog, silver rock at 6k ?? Dont do that. Buy a single input Placette passive and be done with it- I repeat do not spend thousands on a passive if you have not heard Placette.
Jayme- This may raise some conflict but these are my thoughts on the difference between accuphase and audio aero capitole mkII- The accuphase is the best sounding digital out there, it will not dissapoint and it will always be easy on the eyes. The capitole is the most analog CD player going, it will make you want to listen all day and all night long, it isn't the prettiest player out there but it grows on you and now I couldn't imagine using any thing that sounds less analog then the cap. II. And of course you can tweek the sound to your preference with power cords, which on players of this level is a must. I wouldn't be affraid of trying the accuphase due to the digital volume and I surely wouldn't be hesitant about trying the Cap. II because of early software problems- listen to both if at all possible there are Cap. II owners through out the country who would be more then glad to let you hear there units.
Manhandave: Been there, etc. I had the Placette at the same time I had a CEC 2X transport going through Illuminati D-60 to my Dodson 217 MK II. Later, I switched out the Placette (which replaced, and bettered, the Morrison ELAD) for a c-j Premier 14: "brittleness" gone. Also, switched out the CEC: mistake. It's an excellent piece. But, now want to go the cdp route. Thanks---and Merry Christmas!

I second your opinion concerning the Accuphase DP-75V being the best one box redbook player out there.

In reponse to running direct I felt the soundstage lost dimensionality specifically the third dimension (depth). The music became rather sterile and just there especially the symphonies, on chamber music and solos it was OK, but still........not good.
