Virtually lost, a minimalist cries out for "help."

I'd like to go cdp direct to amp, but am stymied. Audio Aero Capitole seems to have chip problems (and several have commented upon build quality, as well). Accuphase has digital attenutation which, reputedly, lessens bits to effect volume change--sound degradation may be a consequence?
It seems I've hit a deadend.
When I consider passive devices, i.e. Silver Rock or Bent Audio, the Accuphase digital attenuation is then an unnecessary superfluity. The other cdp I'd consider (w/no volume adjustment), the EMC 1, favors balanced ics, I've read, and I'm not willing to go there.
Am I missing some other great cdps out there w/analog volume control, single-ended friendly, and high build quality? (I'm getting a big headache from butting my head against this virtual wall...)
I am curious, why don't some of you want to go balanced?

Isn't that a good thing?
I agree with Mahandave. Where else can you get the world's best resistors in a remote controlled, 120+ stepped passive preamp for $1000. This is the way to go if you have efficient speakers.

My path is a little different from others, but the results may be similar. I go from CDP, to TacT RCS, EVS DAC, into Sim Audio Moon W-5. Results are spectacular, extreme transparency with no loss of dynamics. I think success in this venture is dependant upon system components synergy and personal tastes. Don't be put off by by those who have tried it and not succeeded.
Organic is the word.

Jayme, when you go around the block on digital direct, then let us know how you feel, then.

I's thinks you's gonna miss thata CJ...

Another learning experience about to happen... :0)