Wadia 860x vs Audio Aero Capitole Mark II 24/192?

what's up everybody,

I need some opinon.

Ok, I'm own a Wadia 860x for a while now, I'm thinking to try the Audio Aero Capitole Mark ll 24/192. I have been reading about the Capitole Mark ll for a while it sounds like it would be incredible to owned. My question is, Did anyone had any experience compare this two model? Which one sounds better? Any info would appreciate.

Thank You.
The Wadia can be modded by Great Norterhn Sound. Wmail me and I can put you in touch with a guy who just got his Wadia modded there.

Happy Listening.
I just had my 861 upgraded to the Statement Level by Steve at Great Northern Sound and it is incredible. I believe he may even upgrade Audio Aero players. I would seriously check into this first, I don’t think you would ever regret having this upgrade done.
I have a Wadia 850 that just came back from Great Northern Sound where it received the Statement upgrade; the highest upgrade possible for any of the higher end Wadia units. Now I can't comment on the Audio Aero MKII, because I have not personally heard it. I have had the Acuphase DP75, an Arcam FMJ23, and a YBA Blue Alpha CD1 as well as a few others. I can say that the Acuphase DP75 was better than the standard Wadia 850 and possible 860X, it was close. But after the statement upgrade to the Wadia, the Acuphase isn't even in the same ballpark, IMHO in my system. You can purchase a used 850 and add a Great Northern Sound Statement upgrade, which is not cheap by the way, $2700, all together for around the same price as an Acuphase or Aero Audio, give or take a few dollars. I switched cd players several times looking for the "right" one for my system and my tastes, and have no desire to do so anymore. After the upgrade to my Wadia I am completely satisfied. Can't help on the Audio Aero, sorry about that, wish I had heard it, but I haven't, but the Acuphase doesn't hold a candle to a upgraded Wadia, again in my opinion, since I have had both. Try listening to as many players as you can, you can also call Steve at The Great Northern Sound, which does Wadia and other players and equipment upgrades, if you have any questions about the Wadia or its upgrades. He's a very honest person to talk to, not opinionated about anything. Good luck.
Well I think I might just be the guy to answer your question. I owned prior to the Capitole Mk 2 a Wadia 860x for 2 years, I also kept the Wadia for a few months after getting the Capitole Mk 2, so I was able to do some head to head comparisons.

To put it simple in terms of sound it is not even close the Capitole is way better than the Wadia, you can tell within seconds in direct comparison. The Capitole is natural and involving where the Wadia sounds electronic and mechanical. The Capitole is a softer presentation, but overall it is so much better that there is no need to list strenghts and weaknesses of each.

Electronic stability and reliablitly as well as build quality are far superior with the Wadia. I have had many problems with the Capitole since getting it 8 months ago, and looks like I am going to have to send it in for a complete circuit board replacment. The remote is an embarassment for a 9k CD player and the build quality is pretty weak too. As you know the Wadia is built like a tank, I never had a problem in the 2 years I owned the Wadia.

Hopefully Audio Aero has sorted out their problems with the Caplitole Mk 2, (I know of a few other guys who have the Capiotle Mk 2 and had to get a circuit board replacment)if so, I don't think you can go wrong with it, and I know you will be very imrpessed by the improvment it will give you over your 860x
Ejlif was the 861 a upgraded 861 from the Great Northern Sound? It a totaly different animal than a stock than an 860X!!