Best used dac under $2000

I am new to the world of dac's. so forgive me if I sound foolish.
It would need to have an optical digital out to pass the digital signal through to a room correction unit associated with the speakers. If sound is of question, I favor a less analytical sound and more liquid and detailed.

Thank you in advance

I'm happy to take you at your word Mdomnick, but rereading your first two posts on the subject fails to reveal any discernable humorous intent. As for Mr. Chirac's supposed faux pas, I guess you are under the delusion that George Bush *is* extending the courtesy of a choice to the rest of the world??...

Regardless, I'm sure the French audio companies will be missing all those purchases of French audio gear you would have normally been making in the meantime... ;^)

(...and I for one won't exactly be making up for you either... :-)
entec 1.1 or better will kill any of the aforementioned dacs. 4 power supplies, awesome chassis, awesome layout, awesome dac. just killed my belcanto 1.1. wasn't even close.

and FWIW, my wife and i will only drink wine from CA and FR for a reason....think i might buy me a german uber-auto soon.

the world is not black and white. those who treat it as such (hint hint 1600 Penn Ave) are bigger morons than Plato or Socrates.
Wow Rhyno...claming your DAC will "kill any of the aforementioned dacs..." and to say the only good wine comes from CA or France is pretty one sided. Especially when the DACs mentioned here are some of the best designed and built pieces in the audio world and wine produced in Oz is widely concidered some of the better wines made. Might I suggest you try Australia's finest when it comes to wine...a country that never gets enough press here in the States especially when they have always stood at our side in ours times of need. And lets not forget they were targeted in one of the more cowardly terrorist attacks in Bali in which 126 Aussies lost their lives.

Maybe those who live at 1600 Penn Ave do have a one sided view of the events at had, but so do our European neighbors, only their narrow view is in the other direction.
i never said FR wine tasted better, did i? reread my post and maybe you'll understand.

but i will say the entec dac is better. by a long margin. they made 50 of them total, at a price @ $7k new. i saw one a few weeks back for $800. if i didn't already have one, i'd have bought it myself.

do what you want w/ your $$. i promise you the entec dac is better though
Rhyno, I managed to find a review of the Entec Number Cruncher DAC, is that the one you own? It seems very good, and to have sound qualities I value.

But, a $7000 DAC selling for $800 used? This seller may not share your opinion Rhyno. That, or is it because it's an older unit?

And saying that the Entec 1.1 will kill any of the aforementioned DACs sounds pretty black and white to me. That or very shortsighted, considering how components can be so system dependent.