Wadia 861 SE VS. Wadia 27ix v3.0/270 transport

hello someone has had to have heard the Wadia 861 SE player directly compared to the Wadia 27ix v3.0/270 transport combination. What were the sonic differences? Is the 861 SE as good as the above combination?
Wellfed close but no cigar. Leisure7 compared the 861 non SE version to the 27ix/270 combination. Was wondering have you heard the Wadia combination I'm speaking about? Was wondering how it would fare against your Audio Synthesis DAX Discrete? thanks Justin
Sorry, I have never heard the Wadia(s). The Audio Synthesis DAX Discrete is definitely worth an audition in any case.
Hi Mejames, I've always wondered about seperates vs. all in one player. For this one you might want to call Steve from Great Northern Sound, he might be able to give you a little more insight on this, just a thought.