ElectrocompanietEMC1 vs. ResolutionAudio Opus21?

Hi All,
Has anyone done an a/b comparison of these two CD Players?
...or heard both of them but not in an a/b setting?
Your thoughts and observations are appreciated.
Happy Listening!
With the EMC-1 you need to use the spider clamp thta made a real difference in my friends. I have not heard them side by side. The 21 has two different sounds when driven with the fixed outputs into a preamp and also when driven with the vafiable outputs up full into a preamp. Try it and see if you hear a difference, I did.

Happy Listtening.
To Bigkidz,
Would you describe the difference you mentioned above? Which way sounded best. BTW, Did you happen to listen to the 21 using the variable outputs DIRECTLY into the amplifier....WITHOUT using a pre-amp? If so, comments please>
And thanks for all the other comments!
Happy Listening.
I have owned both and now have the Opus. It is better sounding. The only area it lacks compared to the Electro is soundstage size. If you like a huge sound go for the Electro. The Opus beats it in every other area.

It sounded best direct into my amp with no pre at all.
