KRELL SACD or TEAC Esoteric DV-50

Anyone has compared these two players?

Please share your findings... Which one should I get? Suggestions/recommendations are greatly appreciated.
I have not heard the TEAC. Heard the Krell yesterday I was not impressed at all.
I have not heard the Krell, but I do own the Teac/Esoteric DV-50 universal player. I am curious as to why Michael Fremer in his rave review of the Krell player, states that the Linn Unidisk 1.1 is the only universal player worthy of serious audiophiles attention, when his fellow writer Paul Bolin gave it a very positive review in the August Stereophile, and the magazine lists the DV-50 as an A+ component in their recommended components issue.
I am in the market for a DV-50. What are your thoughts on it's strengths and weaknesses.
Larry: In my opinion, the DV-50 has many strengths, including great flexibility in selecting the type and degree of oversampling, an outstanding transport, and superior sonics on all formats. It also has outstanding build quality (weight is 47 lbs.). The only weakness I've found is that on DVD-Audio, you must toggle through the tracks to get to the one you want to play, rather than simply selecting the number of the track you want on the remote. (The remote works fine for regular CD and SACD.) I recommend it highly!