next upgrade for cdp

So I have got my 555es sacd player. I am happy with it but planning my next upgrade. I have come up with 3 options:
1. Mod the 555es through or some other means.

2. Invest in an outboard DAC-namely bel canto or scott nixon tube+ dac. I am just wondering if I will still be able to play SACD's?

3. Sell the 555es and get a used cary 303/100 or 308?

I am looking for a slightly warmer presentation as I listen to a lot music from the 70's and 80's. Redbook for that period is a bit digital. Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks.

I too have a Sony SACD C555es, a very good player with regular CD's and SACd. I just can't justify spending $16 to $20 for recordings that I could buy used for $7 Yes call me a tight wad but it all adds up.
Recently I was fortunate to find a used but perfect condition Jolida CD player right here on Agon for $650. The Jolida seems to let the music flow with less effort. Good detail..but an easy bite.
Thanks for your responses guys. Dr. Joe, I enjoyed reading your post since you own the 777es.My budget is about $650 max(for a dac or 650 plus what I get for my 555es on audiogon if I choose to sell it) so am going to sample the a couple of dacs anyway. I still have a cal audio dx-1, which I could use as a transport. Maybe I can get the best of both if eventually, I can mod the 555es down the road. The only one I found doing it at this point is
He wants $637. I just joined an audioclub here in ny so will get to sample different players, including the 777es.
will keep you posted...

Shoe-I have heard many good things about the jolida player and in fact almost bought it. I just got a great deal on the 555es and that is why I went that way. What I wanted to know from you was your opinion on the jolida's bass response. I had read somewhere that some critic said it was a bit light in that dept. Do you feel the same way?

Looking forward to hearing from the both of you.....
Go for the Cary 303/100. I replaced my Rega Planet 2000 and never looked back. Very revealing and wide soundstage. The bass extension is just amazing.