Whatever happened to HDCD?

Recently acquired a EAD DSP-9000-III . This has the ability to decode HDCD's. Went to the HDCD site - noticed my collection included a few HDCD's - played them . My test conditions are anything but controlled - but they do seem to sound better.
Since this system is fully reverse compatable with existing CD players - why hasn't it caught on ? Has this got anything to do with Pacific Microsonics being acquired by the maker of the worlds most extensive and continuously beta tested OS?
It's difficult to ask "What Happened to HDCD" when it really never happened at all for much the same reason that SACD isn't happening. Good ol' Doc Johnson and friend came up with the idea, but wanted too much money for the encoding chip for the recording side and too much money for the decoding chip on the cd player side. They killed it themselves so they found the perfect suckers to buy it for too much money - Microsoft who didn't know the audio biz nearly as well as they did computers and there it lies pretty much dead and buried. If the recording industry made cd's in the same way that Audioquest did and didn't ask for half your paycheck as JVC XRCD does, we wouldn't be asking questions like "where is HDCD" or "does SACD or DVD really sound better than redbook."
Let's face it....Surround sound is where all the "Sheep"(myself included) are being led......
The folks that make speakers must love surround sound. Now they'll sell you 3 pairs instead of one.
An aquaintance of mine was over on Saturday and I mentioned HDCD and the Joni Mitchell reissues on HDCD. He said that there is very little difference, other than the HD discs play louder. With volume matching, damn if he wasn't right. Joni's "Hejira," when volumed matched sounds pretty much the same on redbook and HD.
On my system there is no comparison or to my ears there is no comparison. That is all I can say.