New Metronome Kalista CD Transport

This transport is a real show piece, it resembles a Clearaudio Turntable in many respects, (use of acrylic to name one). It recieved a very positive review in issue #27 Hi-Fi+. A nice picture can be found at this link: (Google search) "Metronome Technologie Kalista" unless you have the magazine like I do.
It was also reviewed positively in some asian audio magazines. I found the english magazines express negative opinions more freely. HiFi plus found Classe SACD not up to par with redbook and said it straight. Sorry to deviate from topic.
Hi-Fi+ is really nice, and they seem to have pretty much unbiased reviews, a refreshing plus. It also has a VERY extensive music review section, a classy mag to say the least. The looks alone of that Kalista blow me away, I'd love to see it close up and hear it one day.

I agree about the music reviews, they have really led me to some great finds in beautiful music, both new and old. It is well worth looking over.
