CD Cutting and / or Trimming

I haven't seen any discussion concerning this (although there probably has been a thread or two). I'd like to know what your opinions are regarding CD cutting (Trimming). Is it noticibly beneficial or is it just another opportunity to spend money.
Ghostrider, the only time something like that could occur, is if someone were to alter the factory cutter depth adjustment. When properly set, I have never had that happen. Although you are correct. If you were in fact to cut completely through the plastic substrate to the aluminum wafer, the disc in time, would begin to delaminate.
I, too, would be concerned with physically altering the disc by cutting. After all, one would hate to lose $1000s on your collection by doing something irreversible. I've never compared cut vs. uncut, so I can't comment.

Let me make a plug for Walker Audio's CD enhancer. It does make a beneficial difference. It is a bit subtle, but easy and worth the price. It does the magical combination of removing the grainy sound while also adding in details. The presentation is smoother, soundstage is more coherent, background is quieter, and details are preserved.

Here's some reading you can do:
I've had about a dozen disks cut, by a friend. The improvements range from subtle to very noticeable. Nothing negative that I can tell, so far.
Busics2: have you tried this process on the XRCD format? If so, where there similar improvements, or were they more modest?
