Smooth sounding DAC?

I am looking for a smooth and warm sounding dac with good resolution and bass!

Warm sounding is a must, any one?
"Would you comment on why nonoversanpling DAC's suffer from diminished dynamics and softened transients."

Sure. Every CDP and DAC that I have examined (a lot of them) that is non-upsampler has either:

1) Filters on the analog stages that roll-off the HF
2) Compromised power supplies that limit dynamics, particularly at HF

Either one of these will eliminate the digital noise and/or the phasiness at HF, but at the expense of HF extension or dynamics or both. With an upsampler, you get both dynamics and HF extension without digital noise or phasiness.
Sean -
Sean: "With digital, these "samples" are taken at very specific but limited points along the data path. One is not taking in ALL of the data, but simply "sampling" it and basing their deductions on averages and trends."

No, that's not correct. The Shannon sampling theorem says that your digital samples at 44.1khz or any other data rate will give perfect reconstruction of the analog waveform as long as there are no frequencies present above the Nyquist frequency (which is equal to 1/2 the sampling rate). The reason that oversampling is needed with a 44.1khz signal is not because of poor sampling of the waveform shape***, but rather because of the need to avoid sharp (brickwall) filters in the analog domain. With an oversampled signal, it is possible to use a gentle analog filter and do the steep brickwall cutoff at 22.05 khz in the digital domain, where it is easier to do well.

As far as the difference between oversampling and upsampling, they are the same thing but with different implementation. The traditional 'oversampling', which usually means increasing the sample rate by 8x through interpolation, is done in the d/a chip of the player. The quality of digital filters available in dac ic's is usually not high. When 'upsampling' is used, part of the 8x oversampling (typically 2x or 4x) is done in the processor chip before the data is sent to the d/a chip, and the final 4x or 2x will be done in the d/a chip to complete the total 8x oversampling. The difference here is that the quality of the oversampling filter implemented in the processor can be much higher than those used in the d/a chip.

*** Following your train of thought, if the 44.1khz data samples are not adequately capturing fast transients or peaks, it is necessarily because those peaks include frequencies above Nyquist. Such frequencies can only be recovered with higher basic sample rates (dvd-a, sacd), not by the upsampling of the redbook data. (There are some fine points about jitter, noise and data precision, but I doubt that's what you are arguing.)
Flex: My comments were not meant to come across as up-sampling solving the problem of limited bandwidth / limited transient response inherent in redbook so much as helping to reduce some of those drawbacks to a more bearable ( and even enjoyable ) level.

As far as transient response goes, and as i stated in the above post, many of these limitations are in the analogue conversion / section of the DAC's. Anything that we can do to retrieve more info from the digital portion of reproduction can only increase the resolution of the system as a whole, even if there are losses / degradation in the analogue realm. This is not to say that analogue is inferior to digital, not by any means, but that the implimentation of combining these two different formats is still in its' learning stages.

To be quite honest here, i am still learning about digital and if my comments above are incorrect and / or misleading, please correct me and the mis-information that i may have helped to spread. I passed on info that i learned in these and other forums along with various "hi-fi" articles. As such, it could be wrong or loaded with "half-truths" that need clarification.

Other than that, i do understand and agree with your comments that you made reference to in your "PS" section. That's why i made mention of other formats using higher sampling rates being capable of increased levels of resolution. Sean

Scott-Nixon or Audio Note 2.1?

Hvae Art Jota, Ref3as and Meridian 508-24 box?

Looking for that tube/vinyl heaven.

Thanks much