Details don't mean a thing

After experiencing with different hi-end CDP that supposedly gives you a load of details, I was to say the least very disappointed. Details don't mean a thing unless they can make some sense. After awhile, it just gets too chaotic. Wit upsampling and super high resolution DAC out there, it's very tricky to make a high-end cdp. I just don't understand some of the thought going into making cdp from some of the high-end cdp makers. How can any sane human can listen to all those details without going insane?
I am going back to low-detail more musical CDP.
Glad you didn't go insane Andy, it's about the music my friend...not the gear!!

Many times highly refined equipment needs highly refined associated carefully matched equipment to sound good. I'm listening to two mid-80's NEC CDP's which sounds awfully good especially considering I paid $10/$44. One of the CDP's, a mint one-owner CD-650 which I paid the $44 for, sounded so good I decided to sell my CAL Icon MkII. It's all about the music...not the gear as Dave said.
I've read from a book somewhere that says a human conscious mind can only process a maximum of about 8 bits of information per second (they collected a bunch of data and this is their conclusion) therefore most of the amount of data must be processed by your subconscious mind. This may explain why listening to super detail equipment is so tiresome since your conscious mind is overflowed with data. I supposed a good system is one that can effectively communicate with your subconscious mind.

I used to own a Nad S500 and now I am very sorry I had let it go. A very musical player.