Meitner EMM DAC6e Redbook Performance

Everyone is raving about this DAC, but I have not seen much written about its abilities with redbook CD.

Would anyone care to comment who has real experience with its redbook capabilities? I understand that it converts the redbook signal to DSD. Comparisons to other top-flight redbook players are welcome.

Thank you.
I am surprised you have not heard the raves about the redbook performance- that's the reason 90% of Emm labs owners are using it(myself included). Yes most all of us listen to SACD and it is unbelievable, however, I have 250 SACD's and 2000 Redbook CD's so I would not have a player that would perform poorly with the large majority of my collection. I have not heard a redbook player that is better. I have owned Accuphase seperates, Audio Aero Capitole MkII, Sony 9000es, Philips SACD1000 and have listened to nearly all high end digital pieces and the Emm labs is so different from anything I have heard- there is a level or resolution which has to be heard to understand. The distortion is SO low, it actually takes a little getting used to- it makes everything else sound chuck-full-o-digititus.

Try and arrange an audition to see what we're all talking about- I suspect you will be very pleased with what you hear.
I bought it for Redbook and considered the SACD a bonus. I have owned or tried MANY of the best available (the best by Linn, dCS, Accuphase, Audio Aero, Cary, Sonic Frontiers, Audio Research and Wadia) and, for MY tastes and in MY system, nothing could match the combination the EMM Labs offers in the way of resolution, detail, trasparency, lack of distortion ALL while presenting the music without etch, glare, digititis or any unnatural edge (and my speakers with the diamond tweeters will reveal the "warts" so to speak if the source isn't up to snuff). But, as always, YMMV.

All of my comments apply to Redbook (and SACD is fabulous as well).

Try to get an audition in your home if possible. If not, if you are ever in the Detroit metro area, stop by and you can hear it at my place. Hope this helps.

My experience with the Dac6e is the same as Fmpnd and Tireguy. I play 99% redbook on mine. It betters my previous Audiomeca Mephisto II, IIX and Cary 303-200.