Meitner EMM DAC6e Redbook Performance

Everyone is raving about this DAC, but I have not seen much written about its abilities with redbook CD.

Would anyone care to comment who has real experience with its redbook capabilities? I understand that it converts the redbook signal to DSD. Comparisons to other top-flight redbook players are welcome.

Thank you.
My experience with the Dac6e is the same as Fmpnd and Tireguy. I play 99% redbook on mine. It betters my previous Audiomeca Mephisto II, IIX and Cary 303-200.
My experience is similar to the others. I have 1,000+ CD's in my collection. I was looking for the best CD player I could find, price relatively no object. I bought the Emm Labs DAC6 for its top level CD playback and consider its SACD capability, which is also excellent, a bonus. What this player does with redbook CD's is nothing short of amazing -- and yet -- SACD is even better.
Now, I have over 100 SACD's and I enjoy them immensely. Considering what this player does with redbook CD, comparing it to the price of the other top CD players in the market, the Linn, the Burmeister, Purcel/Elgar, then considering the added bonus of SACD, the Emm Labs, IMO, offers excellent value -- you must audition this player!
Thank you to all those who responded.

My statement "I have not seen much written about its abilities with redbook CD" referred principally to the stereo rags.

That said, I admit that, after posting this thread, I did what I should have done prior to posting it, which is to look hard for similar threads, at which point I saw the 2.3 octillion threads about the Meitner gear. So the "what planet has this guy been on" reaction was fully justified -- my apologies.

So, to sum up, is he manufacturing and shipping (i) the two-channel version of the DAC and (ii) manufacturing and shipping the new EMM transport?, or is the poor stepwife Phillips transport still part of the package

Many thanks

PS - Frank, I lived in Detroit metro for six years, but alas, left twelve years ago. Thanks for the invite
Sometime in May, look in the forums for a comparison between the Meitner and my loaded Wadia 27ix/270se for the Ultimate Redbook Showdown.
