Is this Sony CDP still good????

Hello.I have a 1989 Sony CDP,X7ESD (not the currenty XA7ES).This player is still working flawlessly.However I am thinking to upgrade.What should I get?Jolida 100,Shanling T-100 or Music Hall,or ???.I like to listen to vocal and instrumental.THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!!!!
"If it sounds good, it is good..."

In my opinion, the Jolida, Shanling, and Music Hall are trash. However, if you have interest in a newer model, I'd go with the Sony SCD-1.
While it is no longer a state of the art player, it still sounds good. I have the same player and compared to my Cambridge D500se it has a better soundstage and better low end weight. It is not as resolving as my Linn Karik/Numerik combo. The build quality is excellent, so maybe at some point you can find an outboard dac to upgrade.
One of my friends has modified several different players. They've told me that they find the older Sony units ( that are built like a tank ) to be excellent platforms for upgrades / modifications. You might want to check with the "tweaker" of your choice to see what they think. A couple hundred dollars may get you a couple thousand dollars worth of improvement. Sean