Is this Sony CDP still good????

Hello.I have a 1989 Sony CDP,X7ESD (not the currenty XA7ES).This player is still working flawlessly.However I am thinking to upgrade.What should I get?Jolida 100,Shanling T-100 or Music Hall,or ???.I like to listen to vocal and instrumental.THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!!!!
Get an Audio Note DAC and keep the Sony if the digital formats suffice.
Use it as a transport.
I agree with Sean. I would do some sleuthing on mods for your current unit.
Gthrush1 wrote:

" "If it sounds good, it is good..." "


"In my opinion, the Jolida, Shanling, and Music Hall are trash."

That second comment was a stunner. Those brands never "sound good"??? Care to elaborate?

Brad Day
Atlanta, GA
Brad Day,

You're right. I was out of line there. "What man gathers, another man spills..."

I should not have tried to impose my preferences upon others. I apologize to anyone I may have offended...
I forgive you, it's not your fault you haven't heard the Jolida I have in my setup ;) :D
