EAD 7000 digital flywheel?

I have an EAD 7000 but no manual. Does anyone know diffinitively if this dac has the "digital flywheel"? Or where I can read more about its specification? I've done a moderate search, but find surprizingly little about it. This is not a mk2 or 3. Thanks

Boelen Electronics # is 641-469-5092 in Fairfield,Iowa.
Ask for Frank or Greg. Good people to work with concerning
Ead products.
Thanks for all the input.. I took the top off to find it's a 7000. The build quality is mighty impressive. Can't help but love well made gear>>>>>:)
Can the 7000 MKIII gold faceplate be replaced with silver, or black? I am buying a used one and don't want gold at all!
P.S. Do you guys have a list of places that will mod this dac? I am pretty ignorant. What is the bad rap about the 7000 and is it with all models?

Again Thanks...