CDP at $1200- 2000 for this system

I have B&W N802's being fed by Sunfire Signature II and currently use a stock Denon 2900 with Krell HTS7.1 as my processor for 2-channel and HT.

I'm interested in significantly upgrading my 2-channel redbook playback, and don't have an interest in modding the Denon. Any thought on players in this price range that would be a big step up in terms of redbook playback?

I listen to a wide variety of music, from classic rock to jazz. I'm looking for what we all are, big soundstage, great detail, and solid bass. A tad warm is good for my listening tastes, but I'd like to keep as much detail as possible.

The more info you can share about sonic signatures of players or your experiences the better. I'd like to use any feedback I get here to form my auditioning list. Thanks!
I would suggest either a Cary 303 or Ayre cx-7. They are both really good players with their own virtues.

The Cary has a great midrange & bass signature that provides a slightly warmer than neutral presentation. The upper-end is good, but probably the players biggest weakness (IMHO). The top end is slightly smeared and rolled-off, but it does provide a wonderful musical presentation. Its a great bargain on the used market. You may also want to check on the 308T.

The Ayre is also a great value. You can find them used at the upper-end of your range. This player does so many things correctly. Its neutral with outstanding detail w/o being bright (great upper-end). This is a player I regretted selling. It did so many things right, but I just didn't find it engaging enough. This is probably more a function of my system & room dynamics than teh player.

You really have a lot of choices. If you are looking for a warm sound you should probably also look at the Jolida and Audio Aero Prima.

Good luck in what you decide. Please post your follow-up.

Used Audio Note CD 3.1x would be an excellent choice IMHO. I purchased one from a fellow A-goner for around $1600.00.
Rich, smooth player possessing excellent bass and great highs.
I will look for one of this:
THULE CD 150 B & Digit 2
JOLIDA JD 100 or 100 A
REGA Jupiter
SPHINX Myth 9 Mk2
HARTLEY Serie 100
Also add to the list,

Audio Aero Prima
Jolida 100A w/underwood level 2 modification ($1800)

I admittedly have not heard the AA Prima, but have traded good feedback from warrenh and boa2 on here, check out the threads. A new one can be had at the upper end of your range. I have listened to the Jolida and it definetely has a much improved redbook playback as compared to the 2900 (which I have, and I am also adding a dedicated redbook player to my system as well, good choice I hope.) The underwood Jolida has a very open soundstage, good detail, overall, very very good. The Exemplar 2900 mod is also very good but I think it is close to $3K now.