
Discussions rmihai has started

CD-player under US$1,100?30998
What 135W or more amplifier do you like?13871
CD-player for $1100 - Can I do any better?801623
Plinius 8200 MKII vs Ayre AX-7 ?41563
DAC under $550?30357
DVD player with outstanding qualities for CD play?535510
Upgrade from Thorens TD-125 Mk II37643
AVA Van Alstine Transcendence Seven ECR ?20491
Pre-amp upgrade: need help, Please - Bent Supratek56436
Phono stage upgrade433511
Integrated amplifier - selection and alternatives1050519
SS Integrated amplifier advise, please775117
CD player - need your opinion910215
Musical Fidelity A3.2 or what else?25742
Amp for my speakers, PLEASE HELP22553