Chord 64, ECD-1, Audio Logic, Dodson DAC opinions

I am in the process of researching and will be shopping for a new(used)DAC in the near future. The ones I am considering are Chord 64, ECD-1, Audio Logic, Dodson. I am looking for some opinions from owners or people who have auditioned them. I won't have a chance to listen before I buy and hope some experts could chime in to give me their ideas/opinions. I am also concerned with price to performance ratio. My system is Krell solid state power amp/pre, speakers are Coincident. I listen to all types of music besides classical. Thanks for your help
I have lived with the Dodson for 3 years now, first as the 217 MKII D, then with 218 upgrades including isolation transform at coaxial input. Stated simply, it has "disappeared" into my system. I never give it a thought. It is so neutral, detailed and natural I would not think of replacing it; in fact, it is the only componentin my system I haver not considered "upgrading". You will hear voices as natural as if they were present, sparkling highs and deep taut bass. No trace of digital harshness. I use a CEC TL-1x transport, PAD Dominus (latest)digicable (trying out as replacement for Kharma Grand Ref)and an Elrod EPS 2 Sig power cord on the DAC. It is sensitive to transport,IC's and PC's, which should be carefully selected.

Also, Ralph Dodson is a fine, knowledgeable gentleman who is always helpful in answering questions or providing service.

FYI, I have a Krell 300cx amp, Wyetech Opal pre and Von Schweikert VR5 HSE speakers.

Have not heard the other contenders, but was an early adopter of CD's in 1986 (Magnavox 650) and have had a number of CDP's and DAC's since.

Hope this helps.

I have a friend who owns the Chord and also has coincident speakers. I listened to his system when he didn't have the Chord, but a Wadia. I thought it sounded absolutely outstanding (he also has Atmosphere tube equipment). He says that since he added the Chord dac (with a older Audio- Research transport)it is sonic heaven. He says the Chord is one of the few dacs that actually corrects any deficiencies in your transport.
I own the Dodson DAC-263. It is indeed detailed, but not at the expense of musicality. I have never looked back
hello I have the Audio logic MXL-24.
1. If you want it at it's best it is a force compared to Zanden and the rest then it comes down to personal taste.
1. the transport to be the best mate should be phillips based as even Jerry Osment agrees with that ,the dac is Phillips based,in turn the transports software.
2. take the phillips tubes out and get some N.O.S
Seimens-CCA , OR TELE88CC with Herbs tube dampers.
3. A decent power cord .4. Stealth DIgital the prototype
Indra digital cable is serious. Now it comes down to personal taste .
The bass may be slightly better in the Dotson.
The Zandan may be a little better through the top.
the Audio Logic I feel is more natural where it counts through the mids. this is over a one year comparison with freinds dacs it is well balanced and I feel the best dac
at even 2 times the moneys.the Audionote special 4 is probably the best out there in absolute terms about 18k.