DAC's for the money?

Hi all,
Having been working for about two years now on my system, which has graduated from entry-level Sony/Inifnity to Rotel, Pio Elite, Infinity Kappas, and a partridge in a pear tree, I am seriously looking to upgrade my digital playback.
I have the Elite DV-47ai player, which I have run for both high-res stereo and digital direct to my processor (Rotel RSP-1068.) I have a Philips burner deck laying about, and am using that as a budget transport (student here!) directly to the processor also.
I have become convinced that I should purchase a good, relatively inexpensive DAC as a way to greatly improve my CD performance. I am after the Musical Fidelity A3.24, which I can get here on the 'Gon for about $650 +-.
Are there any other DACs that can offer me the same level of performance for about the same price? If I had my druthers, I's be able to purchase the MF Tri-Vista series, both SACD and DAC, but, as I am getting ready for graduate school, the cash just ain't there!
AM I on the right track with the A3 24, or should I consider others?

Thanks for imparting any wisdom!


used Audio Note DAC 1, DAC 1 Signature, DAC 1.1...all of those can be had for less than 750

very nice sounding units...another good buy for much less money is a used cal audio alpha DAC
I own the Birdland Odeon-Ag. Fantastic. With the re-clocker it costs about $1800 new. You don't see them sold here very often. I assume it's because nobody will part with it once they've heard it.


You player is actually one of the best players to mod. Makes a great transport. IF you get an outboard DAC, you should consider at least getting the digital out modded and maybe a more stable clock for it. Otherwise, you will not get the full benefits of the outboard DAC.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
I have had an A3 24 for a year and a half now (I use it with a CAL Delta transport). I really like, and would definately buy it again. It's hard to go wrong at the current used price.
Thanks guys!

Steve N: Where and how and exactly what should I do to get my player modded as described? I assume you mean the Pioneer.

I have also heard great things about the Birdland, but right now it's just a few hairs above my price range.

I do think I may still lean towards the MF A3 24, especially if I can mod my player with no ill effects.

If I mod the player, how would I connect it for DVD movie usage?

Thanks again.
