Help Should I make this move?

Ok, I've got a Resolution Audio Opus 21, which is nice, but I've always had my sites set on the Audio Aero Capitole MKII. Of course money is (or was) an issue so I did not purchase the AA. Now, I have a chance to blow (wife willing) some funds to get the Capitole. Is this a wise move? Or should I keep what gots? I'm looking to seasoned Gonners for thoughts, suggestions, slaps in the face, or whatever.

Do you already have a analogue rig? If not put your money there before upgrading your digital source. I had a AA Cap II and sold it after buying a $2100 VPI Scout/JMW 9/Dynavector 20x combo. The AA is certainly a great CD player, but it can't compete with even a modest analogue set up. It's digital after all.

Sammie, I'm sure your wife will like the "gift" of the Capitole as much as she like her gift of the ZTR tractor last year.
Onhwy61, zero turning radius...I had to look that up.

I'm being presumptuous but it seems you maybe writing from experience.

By the way, still undecided about the Capitole.