Rotel 1072 & Arcam 73 comparison

I compared these two CDPs at a dealership for myself.

Electronics: Audio Research Pre SP 16, McCormack DNA125
Speaker : Quad 21L
(So amplification is quite nice.
Speaker is impressive one for its price)

In general these are good CD player. However, interestingly enough, they are quite different in number of ways.

In short, Rotel can be described as 'A concert Grand Piano played by a rising star pianist.' Arcam is like 'Upright piano played by a maestro pianist.' The strong points of Rotel are rich in information and more air around the sound generators. Arcam's good at balance. Switing from Arcam to Rotel make me say, 'impressive, a deeper sound stage, full body sound'. Switiching from Rotel to Arcam makes everything smaller, but as you hear more you see/hear things are still there and you are adjusting yourself to
the music from Arcam in a nice way.

Well, I like Rotel better. Rotel 1072 is also well balanced for presending many kinds of music. It is just a bit difficult to prefectly balance everything since it chooses to present full of information and musicallity as well. Rotel is closer to analog sound than Arcam. Rotel is more puchier when it chooses to do that. In my opinion, Arcam uses a very good DAC, but not all the parts in its electronics do good jobs. I think that is where the shortcomings are.

Will I buy Rotel ? Not now, I'll search more. As of today,
NAD5xx, Musical Fidelity X-Rayv3, Arcam 73, Cambridge Azur 540/640, are no longer on my list. I am not going to buy Sony this time, because I own one. My short list includes: Music Hall CD25, Rotel 1072, Rega, Ah!, and, well, Sony etc.
Any recommendation ?

Thanks for reading.
Interesting - I have been looking at these two models myself. Thanks for your comparison. Arthur
In my opinion, Azur 640C is rather on Rotel 1072 side than Arcam's side in terms of characteristics. Azur 640C does things little less satisfying compare to Rotel 1072 to my ears. But the low freq. is more aggresive (in good way) than the Rotel which might be strong point to some audiophiles. I prefer to have excellent midrange sound, so Azur 640/540 lost against the Rotel in my system.

I was actually forgot to comment on the construction of the Rotel and the Arcam. Arcam's look is very nice a few feet away from the unit but when I touch to operate it, it is just not as good as the Rotel nor the Cambridge. But it is better than NAD. Rotel 1072's construction is very nice and feels solid or unbreakable. HOWEVER, at the end of the day the look doesn't really matter to most of us, I believe.
Enjoying the Rotel since early this year,very nice machine.Sound is especially good with an HDCD disc.
I printed a masterlist from the new HDCD site now owned and run by Microsoft.Turns out I have many HiRez recordings already,what a bonus.Eminently resalable stepping stone,keeper or both.No upgrade itch concerning anything digital since getting it.
I was just researching these two players (the Rotel and Arcam) and ordered the Arcam CD-73. It will be replacing a Classe CDP-10, which replaced a Sim Audio Moon Eclipse. I've been stepping down, selling my gear, pocketing the $ and still trying to be happy with the sound.

To me the Eclipse was really resolving and recreated the acoustic space really well, but a little dry and not too rhythmic. The CDP-10 was sweeter than the Eclipse, more analogue sounding if you will. Soundstage was slightly smaller, instruments less delineated than the Eclipse... still not great rhythm. The Eclipse had a stronger low-end than the Classe.

Subbing-in while I wait for my CD-73 to arrive is a very old Sony X111ES. This player is not any where near as sophisticated sounding as the others I have had, but it really has drive and gets my toes a tappin way more than the other players. I decided on the Arcam from what I read it had the music and rhythm thing called out in almost every review. What my Sony has convinced me of is that musical involvement through rhythmic drive is very important to me and the music I listen to. Hopefully the Arcam will have the Sony's pace with a little of the Classe's analogue-ness, and a dose of the Eclipse's definition and low-end response.

If the Arcam doesn't do it for me, I'll try the Rotel.

One huge thing I realized is that I was able to notice differences between the players I have had in my system, but those differences were quite subtle and not worth the price differences.

I have also had the original Rega Planet and Cambridge D500SE. I have also heard the Creek 5330 and the Arcam FMJ23 in my system. All the players I have had (or have heard in my system) have all had their own subtle qualities. Not a one did all things well, no matter what the price. I believe I can find a less expensive player (like the Arcam or Rotel) that does one or two things well, is well enough built (the Sim was an incredible piece of craftsmanship!) and matches my priorities close enough to stay. (I’m hoping the Arcam doesn’t feel cheap.)

My reference is my Rega p25 turntable with Dynavector 10x5 thru Gram Amp 2se. This is my example of meeting key priorities: Rhythm and musical meaning. Its bass is lacking and it's not really defined around instruments. Its imaging is fairly focused but there's a nice sparkle/air to the highs. This is what I'm looking for in a CD player.

PS Augustine, I really liked how you described the players (Rotel = 'A concert Grand Piano played by a rising star pianist.' Arcam is like 'Upright piano played by a maestro pianist.') I imagine the maestro would have rhythm and timing and the ability to convey musical meaning down pat. If he/she could play on a baby grand, perhaps I could be happy ;-)