Is the EMM CDSD transport in very short supply?

Is EMM having trouble manufacturing these or is the demand just high?
The longer the wait and the more glowing reviews about Esoteric X-01 and other very high end units, I think, the less people will be prepared to wait "unreasonable lengths of time" for EMM transports - everybody has their "time limit", I think - unless something is sufficiently unique.
I am waiting for people whose ears I trust to hear it - they have ordered it months and months ago - to see if I still am prepared to wait and wait for mine.............Also, I have not read enough glowing reviews of the combination to make it so cut and dried to wait. Certainly, the DCC2 is special - but then I hear so are a few others.............
Point: If EMM want to keep competitive in a niche which they dont exclusively own any longer, they need to "keep the customers happy" and waiting is not an audionut strength:):)