Power conditioner for Wadia

Over the last several years, I've owned several power conditioners (PS Audio P300, Richard Gray 400S, Chang, the original Shunyata Hydra, Shunyata Guardian, etc.) and have had mixed results. So far, none have taken my system up to that next elusive level.

I have a Wadia 861 that I use with a Kimber Palladian PK10, which made for the kind of difference I'm seeking again. The power conditioner would be used for just the Wadia -- so I don't need a big unit capable of handling many components and hundreds of watts. I'm intrigued by the smaller Audio Magic units but wanted to hear first hand from people who may have already gone through this. I'm also looking to spend less than $800 new or used. Any suggestions?

Thanks. -- Ron
If you don't have one yet, get two dedicated lines installed with good plugs.
You might want to check out a Blue Circle BC68 power cord; it has an in-line conditioner. I have one on my Wadia 270 transport, and they seem to get along reasonably well.
Ron, I've gone through four highly regarded power conditioners, and none have resulted in any magic beyond what I hear going straight to the wall. Perhaps I am one of the fortunate few to have good clean power. Or, perhaps I'm one of the unfortunate few to have poor hearing.

In any event, maybe like me, you have discovered that in your set-up the addition of power conditioning is unnecessary. Certainly your experience thus far supports that conclusion.
I like the Audio Magic units. The small one would be perfect for your application. I've had PS, Shunyata, Sound Application, BPT and I like the Audio Magic Matrix best, granted I was listening to mine with the Elrod EPS 2S cord which alone would put you over budget. It does come with it's own power cord though.