Is hdcd worth having ??

I'm going to buy a universal player==probably the Denon 2900. However, for about the same money I can buy the 2910, which has HDCD. I think the 2900 may be better overall, but was wandering if HDCD might be a good reason to go with the 2910.
Tbg--From what I have read and been told, what the Denon 2200 was to the 2900 the 2910 is to the 3910.
Papertrail, you may be right. These numbers that imply nothing drive me crazy. What does the 2910 retail for?

Pobm321, I recently saw the figures for the number of HDCDs and sacds. There are many more HDCDs, like five times as many. I do think, as I said, that XRCD24s, not XRCDs or XRCD2s, are superior to HDCDs but there are many outstanding performances on HDCD like Joni Mitchell latest two.
Check out and you will be surprised how many CDs are mixed in HDCD and don't even make reference on the jewell box. I like the fact my CDP has the chip, it does make a difference.
HDCD comprises about 8 different parameters, with some/all used [or not] by the mastering labs of the world. And encoding is not always denoted on the jewel case, as mainiac states. Yes, it does make an audibly superior presentation but I wouldn't go out of my way solely for that feature. There's a lot more to satifying playback than a chip and software. But there's no denying Professor Johnson's aural acumen. The Denons sure look the business. Good luck.