Please help--my ears are hurting

I had heard of the synergy phenomonem, but being a relative newbie I had always thought it an audio myth. I now know it is no myth. I had started building a system and like many, I bought some equip. before I knew what I was doing. Not that I bought anything necessarily bad, I had not bought anything necessarily good. I have 2 Polk floorstanders & center speaker, an HK 325 receiver, and a cheap JVC dvd player. I went the receiver route because of the WAF and FAF(family aproval factor). I am interested in mostly music, but the family is interested in mostly movies. Well, the sound was just OK. My first step was to add a new CD player--the highly reviewed Music Hall CD25 w/ Level 1+ Mod. At first I was amazed at all the sound I had been missing. What detail, what clarity, and finally what brightness-- especially in the upper mids/lower highs. I now cannot listen for more that an few minutes without getting a headache. At times my ears literally "prickle", especially at certain frequencies. The cd25 apparently is synergistically out of sync with the rest of the system. I have actually gone back to listening mostly to the DVD player. I contacted the seller and he thinks the problem is most likely in the HK and suggested that I buy a Jolida integrated amp w/ a tube preamp ($600) to warm things up a bit.
1. What do you guys think about this?
2. I would like something that I could incorporate into the HT system. I don't think this is possible with the Jolida.
3. Is there an ss amp that might warm this player/system up?
4. I am using Blue Jeans Cables which get high ratings as a budget ic. Opinions?????
5. Could the speakers be the culprit? I have been looking into some Spendors.
6. Could the new player somehow be defective? It has been broken in according to the recommendation.
7. Should I scrap/sell the HK and start over in the amp section of the system?
Guys, I am at an impasse here. I don't have dealers nearby to audition, so I have to go mostly on what I read. Being a high school teacher I don't have a lot of discretionary income, but I do love good music, and now that I am nearing retirement want a decent system. I was thinking of spending $8-1000 for each new upgrade---source, speakers, amp section. Where should I go from here? Thanks in advance. Ouch.
What is the configuration of your room? What are the surfaces? A lot of windows? Floor-coverings, or bare floor?
Excuse me but is the cd player the only change you've made? Are you the only person who hears the nastiness or is it identifiable by someone who isn't an audio enthusiast? If so, that is where I would suspect the problem lies. If you are dissatisfied with the cdp you should return it for another, and don't let the dealer sell you an integrated amp you don't want.
If I make a change to my system and things get worse instead of better I look elswhere. The suggestions on room treatment are good advice only if the room permits. I also understand this particular cdp is popular amongst Audiogoners but if it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work. If your intention is to get better sound from cds and you intend to build you entire system around this cdp, keep it. If not, look for something more suitable to your ears.
Once upon a time when ignorance was bliss---or the story of the man who thought he knew a thing or two but has now learned enough to know he knows little.
1. Room is 14x24 w/8 ft ceilings, carpeted floor, large wrap around fabric(of some sort) couch, one long wall has large curtained window, opposite wall is 15 ft. as there is a 10 ft. opening into the adjoining room. Short wall opposite the speakers is a corner closet with louvred doors and another door opening into a hallway
2. When I do the clap test, the room seems to be sufficiently damped.
3. Player was run for 8 straight days upon delivery, mostly with sound muted. However, I did do a good deal of real listening. It has been used 50-75 hours since then.
4. The cd player is the only change in the system.
5. As soon as I get the chance I'll get my son or wife to listen to see if they notice the same things I do.
6. I know the polks tend to the bright side. That's why I was considering the Spendor's. One particular spendor is touted to be less sensitive to room placement, especially the back wall, than most speakers. I also understand that Spendors and NHT are warm sounding. What about the Paradigms?
7. Thanks alot ya'll. I was away for a half day and I came back to several esoteric chapter length responses. I assure you that each will be considered.
8. Tomorrow, I think I'll talk with Walter at Underwood to see if he has further thoughts.
9. Other suggestions/opinions will be much appreciated.
10. And all I wanted to do was enjoy my music a little more.
Cardas cables usually help alleviate the type of problem that you are describing.
There are lots of things to at least consider. The new CD player may be
giving you more detail, but your ears might be sensitive to the added
response and detail you're getting. Everyone likes their detail different, so a
lot of people may enjoy this particular player, but it may not right for you. I
would also consider the possible emotional explanation. Though we like to
think we're immune to such things, our hearing *is* affected by our emotions.
We listen "extra carefully" when we get new gear. We can also
listen "selectively." You may have "locked on" to
something in the audio band. I've actually done this before -- and it is hard
to shake. It can definitely give you a headache. You might try taking a break
from the system, giving your ears a rest, see if coming back fresh helps. I
would also try moving your speakers, try different angles, etc. The same
placement doesn't always work when you change gear. Try moving and
separating your various power and audio cables, sometimes you can get a
bad interaction between cables. Another possibility; maybe with better gear,
you're actually listening at higher volumes than before, but don't realize it
because of the increased resolution. If so, room problems that didn't crop up
at lower volumes may be rearing their heads now -- or, maybe the increased
volume is affecting your ears. Just throwing out possibilities. If all else fails,
move new gear in, but try everything else first.